Trends For The Current Year
Primary Diagnosis At Discharge By Birth Weight (Total)
Outcome Of Delivery For The Current Year
Number Of Deaths At NICU
The MEBCI 2.0 Implementing Partners Are:

In 2021 PATH, Kybele, APHRC, University of Manitoba & AYA Collective with funding from CIFF partnered on a Making Every Baby Count Initiative (MEBCI 2.0). The partners with complementary skills are collaboratively working together to achieve a 15% reduction in the mortality of infants born in four high volume referral hospitals (Ridge, Tema General, Koforidua & Sunyani) hospitals. The partnership will work closely with the GHS to accelerate the gains achieved during MEBCI 1.0 in strengthening policy, standards, and guidelines impacting newborn care; and to close the gaps by upgrading facility equipment and supplies, advancing clinical care and operational systems at four targeted referral hospitals and optimizing referrals pathways and clinical care in up to 20 district- level facilities, potentially impacting 300,000 newborn lives in 4 years. This intervention closely aligns with the GHS National Newborn Strategy and Action Plan (2019-2023), which specifically identifies “high institutional neonatal deaths, weak advanced care for at-risk, small and sick newborns, and weak supportive supervision” as critical needs.